When You start to take your self seriously the work gets harder..but it also gets done.
-Rose Quartz
You never hear anyone talking about the New World Order anymore ? So what happened ..did it begin ?
Many say Trumps inauguration was the ushering in of the new world order. In which consumerism is the basic religion, money is God and all worlds major banking system will fold into one. Countries in noncompliance will be occupied and their government uprooted. Religions will no longer divide people because in the new world order differences will not only be cast aside, they will be unaccepted. All humans must shop, work, have debt and leave the planet within a certain amount of years, generally leaving the planet extra fast due to man made diseases and illnesses from the very food and medicine bought with their hard earned wages.
Unique cultures with their magic, rituals, traditions, dances and spices will no longer be of importance. What is left of culture will be sold and displayed to the upper class who lack their own potential for kundalini. Culture will become an "artifact" yet illegal to use as power to tap into by it's orignators. We will all blend in and wait for the day that vaccines and micro chips will be inserted in our babies soon as they enter the world. A day we will not be allowed to make our own choices.
Has China bought the majority of Americas excess real estate ? Did they purchase inner city Detroit and are they selling it back to Americans? I am not saying that you should dislike China, but the time has passed to ask a few questions especially since they are really owning alot of US debt and land. I'm not saying it's bad, after all China has more influence over North Korea than we do and North Korea seems to be a threat that the media is constantly throwing at us, whenever the news gets slow. But.. what is China doing everywhere from Detroit to Nigeria to Ghana to Jamaica. Who owns the United States..do they care about "American values" or the socio-political issues of people here ? Why are we not talking about it?
We are pre-occupied over here caught up in this endless American toil between black and white. Whats going on between Russia and the USA ? Me personally after having my early childhood screwed by anxiety from the nuclear arms race, I am totally for America and Russia being friends. But does anyone know really know what is going on ?
Do you feel different..is it harder to find "real" art "real" music and "real" news ?
Does it seem even fringe movements have false fronts hiding the same old engineers of perception behind the scenes ? We see the puppets that look and talk like us..but what agenda is really being pushed. These days you see a new level zombie instead of a cross they rock gemstones pendants and wear the hairstyles that used to belong to rebels. We worship the ghosts of dead celebrities and strive to emulate them, though we really know nothing of them or who they really were cause we weren't barely alive back then.
We love their images but don't actually listen to their music all day. Worst of all we don't try to make our music. Wait..there are alot of us who do make our own music..im getting to that part.The beautiful part. That is you.. doing your thing in your backyard feeling peace. For all those out there who connect without the internet. It's just a feeling to be free. Unchained. It's an art in itself to sing outloud when you cant sang worth beans. Some ones gonna love it if you do..in that moment of not trying to appeal to anyone..we create real art. Freedom of expression. The sound of it is worth billions.
But as for those that stay pliant as soft clay, like babies at daycare they take the little toys and games given..distractions are distractions to distract you from what? But alot of us Mouths are wide open when the pacifiers are stuck in to stop the fussing. Meanwhile clean drinking water is hard to find in America. The retail stores market sex dolls that are remarkably "human like"- but why..when humans exist and love to be kissed? Being social is no longer an integral part of community living instead it has turned into an online game where you score points by hitting like. Points for your self. Not your community..or family.
People became "conscious"..then "awoke" ..and are currently being gently guided into white eyed zombies filled with self lust that can't be satisfied. Many people spend all day online complimenting themselves and encouraging their small pack of followers to keep boosting their outer shell/ego.
Extremists and those with an agenda push the race hate card down our throats like the dry popcorn at the bottom of the bag with those hard teeth breaking kernels. Yet if you travel and seek out real people ( they are everywhere.. for example..I was at Snoqualmie Falls in Washington last week and met a woman from ..a faraway Island in Southern Brazil)..she was working in a coffee shop on top a Mountain where you could see snow on an 80 degree day, at the edge of the North American continent. Although she had an accent..it was she who asked me where I was from..and I loved how she knew to suggest the gluten free cookies and vegan stuff to me... I was surprised she was Brazillian..I had thought she was Dutch to be honest. But then I stopped and really listened and I could see the browness in her eyes something I had overlooked in my assumptions. Right away we knew we were both dancers, that our hips were not normal but magic. I thought about my childhood trip to Brazil and the samba and how women are much more affectionate there in general. I could just imagine this woman cooking and dancing and laughing with her family back on that Island and her joy was like a secret we both understood. She wrote down the name of her Island on a napkin for reasons not worth explanation. The truth is we all want to be witnessed and loved even if for just brief moments on mountaintops far away from where we came.
For sure when you travel, you will meet the true activists and visionaries..just normal folks going about their lives , creating what they feel they can and striving to live without hate for anyone. They don't study and debate history or pick a new identity every week. They simply act polite and live in peace. It's a good movement if you ask me. By pushing extremism and hate, the powers in control can be sure we will never sit down together, compare notes and realize what is going on.
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Powerful Symbols from Ancient History "God's plan is Stronger Than any Man" God is Within |
Peace and Blessings from Rose Quartz
"Live in Harmony, Warn your enemy only once, then, Focus on what elevates you "
Listen to your inner voice, cultivate it.. for your own pleasure and peace.
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