Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rose Quartz Boutique : Crystall Massage By Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Boutique : Crystall Massage By Rose Quartz: "I really advise that you accept a professional healer into your life. As a therapist I can feel and release blockages that you are bl...

Monday, November 5, 2018

Crystall Massage By Rose Quartz

"I really advise that you accept a professional healer into your life. As a therapist I can feel and release blockages that you are blocked from due to the block itself. This can be an intensely welcome experience that also feels good"
Emily Imani Rose Quartz

Lets take a moment to give thanks for the human angels that God sends
 to support us on our mission!
I really needed a Monday Pep talk and I got one. It was so much better than the fire my mom put under my ass last week, but whether it's critique or encouragement it's all divine timing for growth.

Almost 16 years ago I received a cranial sacral massage that changed my life. I had read a little about chakras and energy healing, however it went  in one ear and out the other. Although life is filled with meta-physical experiences (starting with believing in God) I did not quite believe or understand the human body as being energy even though this is what we are taught in  school. In school we are taught our bodies are made of cells..simply put cells are energy and every object is made of energy vibrating at various frequencies. So flash forward. I have my Bachelors Degree and I am counseling for Group Health. A co-worker has just learned cranial sacral therapy and is offering a free session. This was a life changer!!... and I am all about things that change lives! Through most of the massage which began at my calves, I felt as if I was having an out of body experience, calmly floating on a cloud a few inches above my body. But it suddenly became terrifying when she got to my throat area-
 I sat upright on the massage table and couldn't stop screaming or crying. I had no idea what was going on but later realized she had opened my throat chakra. Every scream I had ever silenced in my life came out. I was almost choking on the waves of emotional pain and fear flooding out from within.  This was my first exp. of a major energy release and neither me or her was ready for it. After that I had no doubt there was something real about our energy centers, blockages and our bodies holding onto memories and emotions. It is a never ending journey as we take on new emotions every day as well as aches and pains where our muscles tense up.

Crystal Healing Massage is a  body therapy with crystals. The method involves crystals and massage techniques for the health and well being of  your physical body, energy body, aura, and chakras. It combines the benefits of  massage with the versatile effects of crystals and ayurveda. Its all about preparing the body to receive the balancing energy from the Crystal through massage techniques, and letting the Crystal to do the healing  or balancing.With Crystal Healing Massage the body returns to its original health. As a result, we can perform better and live life with a deeper connectivity towards the Universal Energy. We use the required technique to balance the body and create harmony in life. 
 Blending the healing modality of massage with the allure and joy of crystals is amazing. 

Crystal Massage can be a really beautiful and uplifting experience. It works on a deep esoteric level and not only does the physical body enjoy total relaxation but, all the inner emotional stresses are brought skillfully to the surface of the mind – and dissipated.
Used in many capacities, the crystal massage takes the basic knowledge of massage and uses the energetic crystal as a tool, which then compliments the work done with your hands. It can be done on the body, it can be done on the face and it can be implemented into crystal reflexology


This is massage for the entire body, done with my hands and tumbled crystals.  Crystals work as an extension our our hands. Coupled with the ability to apply deeper pressure and to work with crystals that give us benefits in spiritual/emotional ways, this massage is like no other! Our bodies are made up of oscillating solid and liquid crystals that form an overall pattern for the entire body, showing a level of organization with some degree of crystalline function. Our bone structure has long been recognized as a solid crystal structure , which is an electromagnetic field (EMF) pulse that is created when a crystalline structure is physically stressed.

Crystal therapy uses quartz crystals, and other stones and crystals placed on and around the body to stimulate and sensitize subtle vibrational patterns, release energy blockages, and harmonize vibrational frequencies.For thousands of years crystals have been used as healing energy tools, by the ancient Egyptians, the Mayan people of South America and by the native Americans, who still use them today
.Crystal therapy is a fully clothed process with various crystals and gemstones placed on the energy centres of the body. The therapist feels along the body for any imbalances and uses crystals which resonate with the electro-magnetic field which surrounds the body. This can be beneficial to the whole person – at the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental levels.
Crystal Therapy Sessions
Crystal therapy is a tried and tested therapy that works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  It promotes health by relaxing and re-energizing the body. This creates a sense of wholeness and balance and helps the body heal itself. Crystal treatments are excellent at relieving stress and are very relaxing.
Emily Imani holds a B.A. From Antioch University 2002 and is a Certified Medical Intuitive 2015 and has studied Cellullar Cleansing  under top Meta-Physician Patti Conklin
She has 10 yrs professional counseling and diagnostic experience and five years experience
in  natural therapies and energy healing.
She offers facilitation , dance movement classes, workshops and community health education 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Spring Flowers and Emotional Gifts: What Are You Getting Today!

Peace it's a new blog from Rose Quartz
 Deep inside all of us is a voice that tells us that we were born for a reason. 

If we  actively engage in something positive (this could be as simple as actively engaging in our own lives, our loves,our gardens, our art or our musical creations)  we can create a huge shift. You don't have to get a grant or start a "non" profit organization. Feel free to release down your dreams of being a spiritual guru with a huge following! More than likely those sort of  dreams are actually our ego's  desire to be needed and admired by people whom we perceive to be even more vulnerable than ourselves.

So here is a new way of thinking. No one needs your help. God made us all. However the overall vibration of the world most definitely needs an uplift. This can even start with what food you put in your body! 

Creating community is important . If you take a look around you will see  that many  physical communities have been disrupted and carefully dispersed. We are told instead to join online communities. However the essence of community is in the air we breathe together, the food we share and the protection we offer to each other. Community does not require phones or Internet for connections.   In order to re-establish a desire for community we must try to be ethical people because communities can only grow with respect and trust for each other. 

Here is a list of Emotional Gifts we can give each other. The only advice I have is that it's  important  to give emotional gifts in person and in the present moment. Sure you can offer emotional gifts and tokens via social media, text or email..but all those formats toggle the reality of  The Present Moment. Social media can drag a present moment into days or weeks , a text  is read at variable times with unknown distractions just like an email.

Emotional Gifts To Give Others In The Moment :
Risk Taking
Eye Contact

and last but not least, Peace!

Emily Imani  Rose Quartz

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Rose Quartz Boutique : Black History, How Far Black Can You Go, Dravidia...

Rose Quartz Boutique : Black History, How Far Black Can You Go, Dravidia...: Celebrate World History and share with your children. We must not feel isolated or wonder why we connect to so many spiritual pract...

Black History, How Far Black Can You Go, Dravidian Language Roots and The Indus Valley Civilization by Rose Quartz

Celebrate World History and share with your children. We must not feel isolated or wonder why we connect to so many spiritual practises. We are children of the Sun, artists and earth angels. Nag Champa people, Soul people.  Remember to make soul music,  remember to eat soul food. Not what they told you or "sold" you, but what  is REALLY  good for your soul grown from the earth mother. Trust in the divine.  Celebrate with love, a history that goes further back than the light of the Sun. Into perfect darkness. We are One.

Indus Valley Civilization "The Cradle of Civilization"
By Emily Imani Yamenita

Happy Black History Month

Our Ancient societies revered the Goddess.  Woman was respected not only for her ability to give life, but her ability to think and act for the better good of her world.  If you seek into yourself you will remember and understand. 

Crowned Chakra, Goddess Body ancient art from the Indus Valley

 "As is Above So is Below" in the femiNINEbody gives both peace and wisdom-
 Yamenita Emily Imani Rose Quartz

What does the broken nose represent to attentive scholars of archeology ? 

 Thru out time maps were drawn and  history was written with the blood of the original peoples.       Yet We stand fully grounded  because our DNA speaks to us from deep within. Despite noses being knocked off statues,  and floods distorting what once was.. despite wars being used as the perfect opportunity to loot museums... the mysteries of  history refuse to sleep. 

Early peoples in all four regions were African

It is increasingly difficult to source out information that clearly stated the Indus Valley was an African civilization. It seems the obvious can quickly be distorted and hidden primarily because the study of the migration of mankind is cloaked in a variety of conflicting details. Modern humans tend to look at the features and skin color of land mass inhabitants of the past two thousand years and choose to disregard basic facts sourced from earlier time periods. However ...lets us take a look at the source of the Dravidian Language.....

Dravidian language is reformed primitive African Language, the words can be traced in Cameroon. Perhaps Homo Sepians had developed communication skill into language, “Cameroonians speak Dravidian language” (Youtube).
.“Lost Feather - Black Chinese - The first Shang Dynasty was the Shang-Li (Black Shang) it was ruled by the LI-Qiang “Black Qiang” founded by Dravidian and Manding speakers”. Black Chinese Dynasties – A recent International study carried out by Shanghai scientist and International academics has confirmed that the Chinese did not originate from  a Peking man in northern China, but from Black east Afrikan who migrated through South Asia to China some 100000 thousand years ago”.

There are the four ancient civilizations. Stumble back 50,000 years or more to get a grasp on what we speak. Each was Black and was either in or  migrated out of Africa populated by melanin rich people. Use whatever word you choose, because I am not here to argue the truth.                              For a deeper study into our ancient world history and first people's, a great start is the Sans people of South Africa. 

 -Emily Imani Rose Quartz

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Why Women Pursue Relationships When They Really Just Want A Man By Rose Quartz

Emily Imani Rose Quartz

This blog covers the relationship bloopers females make & the psycho-social reasons behind the blunders. Is it time for women to grow up ? 

There are  men who just want sex or attention that we allow to sit on the back burner in case our man is not giving us enough attention. Those other guys can make you not appreciate the one who really loves you. All that extra energy is disruptive . You have to turn all the back burners off. The internet and cell phones make it so we can have people lingering around without directly contacting them. It's so slight it's hard to accept that these  extra guys may cause problems. This is a mental thing. The real issue is not that these other men are on your fb page or stored in your contacts; The issue is that you have a certain mental awareness of them that you rather not put into words because of what they represent.

You must do a deep self evaluation. If your man is loyal, listens, invests his energy in your future and shares from his heart then you have a winner. If he does not do those things naturally, then he does not have those feelings for you. Why do women love a challenge so much?  Women are constantly in competition with other women. For many this starts with a mom or sister and gets worse until it becomes a subconscious way of being. From fifty-two inch long hair weaves, to trying to "out-man" a man..women feel pressure at all times to prove something. We pick all kinds of crazy ways to prove we are worthy of the most elusive non-existent love.

The end result is alot of  unpaid actresses,  acting nothing like themselves, to the point they don't even know who they are.

 Men and boys on the other hand tend to compartmentalize their competitive instincts into more logical categories such as income, sports, cars and being able to protect themselves.

Girls are socialized to compete with beauty, sex and popularity. By the time a young woman is 18 she may be a total actress in her desire to fulfill the demands the world puts on her.   Sex is a means to an end, whether it's a new baby or proving how amazing she is to a man.

 If it's popular to have a selfish attitude about sex, then a young lady will adopt that attitude. Is she seeking pleasure or feeling sensual ? Not likely. Only thru self acceptance does a woman become sensual and open to pleasure combined with deep love. It's not a child's game, but being promiscuous is. Promiscuity is the sexual form of popularity.

Somehow social media  has become a major motivator for having a man and even for having a baby due to the  attention and affirmations.  In the end alot of females want a man for a variety of reasons, primarily self-serving. Yes.  I know. And that is something we need to be honest about because a relationship is not about wanting a man, but  about being ready to love and care for another human even when it means sacrificing your happiness and your needs.

 Women's brains go spirituality haywire when in lust and women get all types of soul mate vibes , but it boils down to lust and wanting to own or control a certain man. Wanting a man is not the same as wanting a relationship. You can always have that man if you try hard enough. Choosing a partner for a relationship is a different thing.

 Keep in mind that a man who really loves you, doesn't love you for your looks, your sexual acrobatics or your brains. He loves you for the whole of you and a million other aspects of your essence that you probably are not even aware of. He loves you for what you cant control or even see about yourself.

 Too often we still want to be recognized for the fake shit a man could care less about. We fight our mans love when it isn't perfectly catered to our theatrics and drama.  The other huge blooper is that women do not like to explore why they want a certain man. Some women are only attracted to men who are not single. Some women are only turned on by men who seem hard to get. Even if you choose the "perfect" mate for yourself..you still must ask these questions:

If you took away the shared interests, money, sex and good looks and were left with just the person standing there naked with all his extra flaws..Do you still want  to be in a relationship him? Or did you just want that man in order to have him ?

 What if he was not popular or  not employed ? Would you still love him ?  Once we "catch" the guy we chased..we are left with a real human who is not so perfect or glamorous as we imagined. 

The problem is not  that women look for the wrong type of man.. The problem is that most women are looking for a man, not a relationship. We want someone to make us feel good 24/7,  to take pics with and post on social media. Someone to boost our ego and send good morning texts. Females beg for a relationship when they really just want a man and if they could program that man like a sex doll to do all the right things they would.

 We forget that being in a relationship is about realizing that you care for another human. Who you choose should be  a support system and an equal investor.

You want that man to have a big heart and treat you with reliable consistency and to uplift you..he could be older, younger..from a different country or perhaps have a handicap or disability. But when you look in his eyes you feel a softness in your heart.  You bring peace to his life and he brings peace to yours. 

It's never to late to re-evaluate your inner funk and make updates. If you keep doing the same thing with different partners it's only natural you will see the same results.

Understanding Kundalini, Understanding Yourself by  Emily Imani New Release Avail. NOW 2023

Friday, January 12, 2018

Rose Quartz Boutique : My First Collection of Erotica

Rose Quartz Boutique : My First Collection of Erotica: Peace and Blessings, You can order this book for a special price and you may also purchase a kindle version. In the middle of editing ot...

My First Collection of Erotica

Peace and Blessings, You can order this book for a special price and you may also purchase a kindle version. In the middle of editing other  stressful projects I needed a complete break and wrote The Closet Erotic almost as a way to escape depression. It's amazing where the imagination goes once given the freedom to wander..  I was also able to tap into memories of Brazil and  my travels around America to create characters that can remind  us how we all go thru the same things in life and love.

Good erotica has a subtle story line,  attractive characters and a beginning, middle (conflict) and an ending ( resolution). Usually a VERY  happy ending.   How can a writer create story after story with this same formula without getting them boring?

As an author my goal is  to keep you reading out of curiosity as to what will happen next. What is the biggest conflict that must be resolved in each of my erotic stories? On one level the conflict is sexual tension. But on a deeper level the reader can  escape into their imagination and lose themselves in the characters.  And in the moment. Stories are also a way to learn so I hope you some of you will get to learn everything that visual porn can not show us or teach us when it comes to being the best lovers. This book has exotic locations as well as unique characters who are far from perfect in the daily struggles and comedies of life ..which includes sexual interactions.

 Join the fun with the very sexual but ethical Olivia Alexis, Can she turn her cravings into success or will her open minded sexual nature be her downfall ?

Order my first collection of short stories, The Closet Erotic. It is a book with an important  message tucked  between pages. Every man and woman who reads this will learn something new about  how to let go of restrictions ,  how to be a better lover and discover what sexual healing really means.