My back ground was mental health counseling before it was energy healing. *Melody was a disabled woman with honey blond hair that swung below her hips. She looked very much like any one, but she had developmental disabilities which affected her cognitive functioning. A grown woman with the "mind" of a fourteen year old.
She was my client so I was called to Harborview Medical Center to meet with her after her rape kit was given and she had completed the post rape medical exam. I don't remember much. Except the way her pain seemed to scrape and attack her face from the inside out. Anger. How. Why. Me. And howling pain. Scrunched up shame like a paper ball exploding behind her cheekbones and eye sockets. Tears were the last thing I noticed. They were futile in washing the bad feelings away. She cried but felt no release. She tried not to cry. Mainly she hated herself.
Later alone at my desk I cried and could not stop. It hurt so much. "It" being rape. As a counselor we were not taught how to protect our "energy". And when it comes to sitting across from a rape victim hours after the rape there is no good preparation. I imagine those who work in trauma have learned to build a wall up to protect themselves from the daily pain of victims. Even before I was a healer, I was a healer so it was natural for me to absorb some of the overload of her pain.
In this case I was not the victim of rape.. I was able to cry it out and eventually clear out much of the immediate shame and betrayal I felt. Unlike the victim of rape my private parts had not been grossly intruded upon. My body had not been smudged with dirty hands or touched by the breathe of a monster. I could walk to my car without walking a walk of shame. I was still whole.
Years later I came into the healing field and energy work. I noticed many professional helpers from Life Coaches to Spiritual Healers often suggest that the things that happen to us..happen because we on some level wanted them to or asked for it. Common philosophies are:
1.) It is part of your Souls Journey and you asked for the Experience before you were born
2.) We attract everything that happens to us based on the quality of our thoughts..i.e. "positive " or "negative" thoughts create "positive" or "negative" experiences.
Both philosophies put responsibility on the victim. This works well enough when a practitioner is fishing for clients and the issues are lightweight. But what about rape..?
Similarly, when it comes to the rape of continents and the rape of cultures and populations thru of attraction philosophies do not cut it. The truth is that bad things happen all the time at the hands of bad people. And there is a spiritual reason for bad people and entities but..beyond that, the pain they cause has no excuse. Victims are victims. To suggest someones soul wanted to experience rape is the reason why many healers are not taken seriously. Instead we must share the divine truth that the human nature is immensely strong and there are ways to survive rape and survive the post traumatic stress that can haunt a person for an entire lifetime if not addressed with love and care.
Healers can help by listening and by beginning the work of helping clients release the pain anywhere and everywhere it has manifested and is stored in their body. This pain can settle in the physical body as well as victims energy fields. There will also be repressed memories, and subconscious layers to tangle with and set free. There will and should always be an everlasting sense of violation.
Some practitioners like to offer magic bullets and immediate healing. And it is true many of us can go in and remove blockages. But in order for an individual to heal it is my belief that they must take their time to really and thoroughly go thru a process that they control. Assisting with tools to strengthen them for the journey is our best bet. Breathe, Meditation , Helping them loosen up blocks and gently begin energy movement. Being there for them and letting them know we see the progress is our most important job. The scars of rape go straight to the soul, rip thru the spirit and damage the entire universe. We must be there to help facilitate healing. But we cannot do it for them.
I hope this Blog Has Been Helpful To All Of Us on Our Healing Journey
Peace and Blessings From Emily Imani Rose Quartz
Presenter, Workshop Leader, Consultant
Understanding Kundalini, Understanding Yourself by Emily Imani New Release Avail. NOW
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