Friday, October 20, 2017

Harmony Between The Sex's: His and Her Perspective Blog by RoseQuartz and Trai

How has the opposite sex helped you identify traits about yourself  whether it be masculine, or feminine? 

His Perspective by Trai

"Supreme harmony is the principal that holds the universe together. I would say balance, but balance is immovable and there is no life if nothing is moving" -Trai

A partner, relative, or friend has many aspects about themselves that make up who they are. Who they are, can help us identify characteristics about ourselves in countless ways.

These traits are our logical, and feeling aspects. It does not necessarily have to be someone close, or someone you know. When you notice a certain attribute about someone, it has an appeal to the observer.  It can be their speech, posture, sensitivity. 
As a man I can say alot of  the traits that I gained in my younger days, are from my mother, as far as being more emotionally reactive to situations instead of balancing my reactions out with a more logical approach. 

After much  needed quality time with my partner, it made sense to me, that while being together with her,  I felt more in place with myself.  In her presence I no longer had to put so much of my energy into being  my own emotional support system.  

Letting your partner take back that character in either category of masculine or feminine, can place them “in their power” where they work their suitable placement by default. In summary, letting your partner be the man or woman they are supposed to be can free you from feeling like you have to play the identity of both.

Her Perspective by RoseQuartz

In many ways I am a very feminine woman. But on a day to day basis, I tend to rely more on my so called "masculine" traits.  Problem solving and getting to the point of things is important. As mother parenting by myself, I have do much more than  the feminine role of nurturing or my household will fall apart.  Of course I feel more feminine in my free time, but it doesn't compare to what happens when near to a man.

If I'm with a man such as my partner, who I feel safe with, I can let my feminine nature breathe. It's a relief to me.   
Looking at him..
I begin to witness masculine traits as they appear in a man, not just as an abstract concept within myself. 
I enjoy letting him lead our way thru crowds. Because he has no desire to meet the needs of random people on the street, he creates a protective barrier around us.  He hasn't spent his life being socialized as most woman have, to be polite and to smile while walking down the street.. or get cussed out by total strangers.

Final Thoughts:
 The opposite sex reveals to me what I am not, and allows me to fall deeper in love with what I am.  In our modern society boys cant help but to pick up on their single moms ways of  dealing with stuff, which  denies them a chance to tap into their dominant masculine traits. Meanwhile, girls & women are forced to  over- develop their masculine traits in the struggles for survival with no man around. The end result is that  many of us bring too much of the same dish to the table when it comes to our romantic relationships. 

Taking the time to talk about how the opposite sex helps you identify your masculine and/or feminine traits is great way to learn more about each other.  Each one of us possess BOTH masculine and feminine energy.  Part of unconditional love/ healing  is bringing those energies into  a fluid state of balance within ourselves.  Undoing the ways society and our families shaped us helps us be free to be our best selves with our partner.

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