Friday, August 28, 2020

Blog By Rose Quartz



 Of course men are turned on by whores,  they're the only women men pay to have sex with. Is the sex good..its ok and can be great though fast and the after affects of regret sometimes cause men to compartmentalize the exp. You wanna talk about mindfulness and living in the moment..that's sex with a whore. Its not the type of thing a man givez into meandearing thoughts of once the condom goes in the trash,  deal done.

He never needs to mentally refer to it again..until..that bright light flashes like an idea, what could be easier, quicker,  more heartless and powerful..   and efficient than paying for sex and being done with it in under ten minutes? Powerful because it feels more fair than rape and much wiser than actually eating food and dating a body whose energy  you really don't want to be responsible for. A Whore managez her own energy isnt that really what you're paying for? A whore can be hot and cold

 Sweet and stern, young and pretty old and wrinkly,  she can smell like Tahitian vanilla body lotion or Malibu rum, newports, camels, weed, beer, whatever. But a,whore always make an effort to smell sweet even if its just a dollar store perfume spray on a pantyless day. She is so brave,  she might have a razor blade but a good man is not going to cheat her, a good man is somewhat scared of her pimp and how horrible it would be, to literally be caught, pants down. 

 The after glow. Reminds him of a disapproving mom mixed with the raunchiness of anonymous sex, yet  there is also a hint of the extremely unacceptable intimacy of kissing cousins who actually fucked. Its a transaction. He worked for the money and  his self absorbed  wife will never know this could happen. It would never cross wifeys mind. She's not on that level of cruelty to even assume her husband would do such a thing, lawd no.                                   

Whores get paid they don't get jealous. Its assumed once the deed is done that  they are probably lesbians, or in love with a pimp or addicted to a drug, maybe even money

 It's assumed a whore will never stalk you or accidentally get pregnant she has a family, kids, a man of her own. Are men turned on by whores? The riddle continues because the truth is sometimez men are just turned on. And need a whore. ..Any whore will do, but sometimes she has to look like someone too.. do men fall in love with whores..oh yes all the time. Same story, different book, but like I said it's not a real love, its the love of the unobtainable , the taste of freedom, like eating snow as it falls from the sky on a winter night. The moment when everything in your life is forgotten,  yet you're more alive than you've ever been

 That's what turns men on, among soo many other things        

Poetry By Rose Quartz

All Copy Rights Reserved by Emily Imani Rose Quartz INature Publishing 2020


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