Monday, August 3, 2020

Playmate Imaginary Friend #Poetry by Rose Quartz ( emily imani)

remember why u became a poet because it was a  way to make your minds ways translatable and important to a world that otherwise wouldnt of understood but when you unwind your words your ways  your poems go back to their origanol form of formlessess  a kaleidoscope of  visions  interesting arresting  soothing  feelings melodies of emotions  vibrations u were born with memories, stories in your head?  spinning at the tips of your fingers
remember when u sat in the middle of all this and smiled  -

but the world called you out to come participate , they called it childhood it had rules of it's own ways of being that werent  the same  u had to talk u had to be quiet  at the right times
it became a thing that hurt because before u not only fit in,   you created everything 
u never understood or maybe never knew that  this was the main thing i ever liked about u;

my imaginary friend now was solid my invisible friend I can really see you  I like how you look but thats not the hook im just so glad youre real
lets go run dance in the grass laugh  make magic concoctions out of dirt, water
and pretend to eat  
mud pies that give super hero kids like us the power to fly - u would never judge me for being me because u were  too.  hey this mud  pie tastes  good  i think the magic is working! 

we should go sit in a treehouse, but first we gotta build it! lets go get some sticks! and boards of wood!  right and we need blankets too! come on I know where to find some old chairs and a ladder!

 then u spent all this time proving how wrong i was.  but  who knows, the truth


by Rose Quartz
All copyrights reserved  by Emily Imani
2020 iNaturePublishing

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