Friday, September 18, 2020

Trauma is A False Religion by Rose Quartz

 And pain becomes the god we worship, its our greatest fear - that creates our destiny- until we slowly heal and begin to believe its ok for life to be easy its ok to laugh and be happy no bogey man will come this time, you've been thru enough, its ok now, its ok its gonna be ok. The light wont erase your darkness it just wants to be part of your heart  too. Alot of people say they always have bad luck when the truth is thats not the truth at all. Some people feel like things always go wrong and they believe it even pour their faith into it. See, trauma is a false religion. Repent. Get off your knees. Stand tall and lead..

 Peace n blessings #RoseQuartz                

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Alina Baraz - More Than Enough (Ryan Hemsworth Remix)

New Moon In Virgo; Mr. Clean Up Man

-New Moon In Virgo Energy by Rose Quartz-

Go somewhere different in clothes you dream of wearing since people already love staring-
When someone that you  already cut off calls out of guilt or seeking gossip,  answer the phone-
 when they ask how you are doing, tell them you're fine -when they say "we" really should talk and work things out-put your phone down but don't hang up- and go do something else with the music blaring

New Moon In Virgo is about designating and implementing organized responses to chaos
People may not understand but they will fall in line

The clean up man is in your soul, he knows the proper recipe of chemicals  and the right temperature of water to make any mess disappear along with Karma
 by choosing to do good deeds that no one see's

Its a New Moon In Virgo, Secrets Revealed from the sign of the Virgin, Nurturing and Pure but a pain in the ass without elements of maturity!

 just know when she's done the only one that she will call
is the Clean Up Man

Pay Your Debts before they come up by abstracting mental truths in every possible equation while others are still day dreaming 
and seeking attention



Monday, September 7, 2020



Queen of Pentacles By Rose Quartz

 Queen f Pentacles the ultimate business minded nurturing earth sign  mother, manager of the material realm and  foundational structures

 the single mother energy of rapidly manifesting abundance  sensuality  a master of pulling off the dirty work at home and  within many enterprise$. 

Let me take care of business so that I can escape into the pleasures, secrets of a good homemaker, CEO, therapist, dentists etc. 

 One day just playying around in the kitchen she whipped up a bannana chocolate cake that was so good and also caused healthy weightloss -  she sold the recipe to a billionare who could afford her price 

#Rose Quartz

Black On Black


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Desired Reality Scripting Blog; ft. King of Pentacles with Moldavite By Rose Quartz


King of Pentacles


Energy of Moldavite 

"I easily reject  anything that my spirit or soul inherently 
does not resonate with at my highest and most transparent vibration"

This Blog is about manifesting by using desired reality scripting, gratitude letters, wish books etc. This blog will also cover how you can break free of certain situations for good. Instead of cutting folks off, you can simply do reality scripting and shift into a new reality. How does this work?

Remember it is a  feeling (energy) that you want to manifest not a material item, a circumstance or a person. Once you know how you want to feel, you will know what fits and what doesn't. For example if you really don't eat pork you will not go in the store looking for pork and comparing the pork prices. For you and your mouth and your body - pork doesn't exist as a food . A desired reality script works the same way.  

There is no point in trying to manifest a specific person, because everyone has free will, and there is no way to know if that person will really give you the feeling that you desire. Instead focus on  traits and characteristics that continually bring you joy no matter where you see them or who you see them in. 

For example I get hyped and feel good about life and  humanity when I'm exposed to the expressions of creative artistic people. I also feel happy about being nurturing and helping another spirit to feel safe and loved when I'm around puppies . 

Water specifically,calm water in blue, green tranquil colors makes me feel  like im blessed with the beautiful flowing colors like liquid gemstones. Beaches allow me to look out on the horizon and feel a deep connection with God, ocean front beaches  connect me with alot of wonderful emotions from the intense power, creativity, serenity and wonder of it all.

To bring your desired  frequencies  into your  life think about how your clients or co-workers make you feel. When you start writing your desired reality script, focus on how you would really, really love to feel instead.

 Perhaps right now your workplace is so high stress that you have to shut down to get through the day and  you notice that manifesting doesn't work for you. Well..if you force yourself into emotional numbness 40 hrs a week and wonder why its hard to manifest your desires? In order to manifest you will need to un-numb yourself first.

 In your desired reality you must feel how it would be to have a great day at work everyday even with the stress. Focus on the feeling after a project is done that you are very proud of. Really spend time recalling   the feeling and multiply it by the unknown. What if you could get that feeling from your relationship ? Or from your car? From your kitchen or bedroom closet? 

Once you tap into these feelings and energies (within you) that you now also want around you- you can begin to emit, shine out and literally become the type of energy that you desire .  We all have down days, that's our bodies resonating back to us that we "feel like shit"-  in other words we are out of tune. Take a close look at whose energy and what thoughts your body is attuning itself with. Whoever and whatever you "tune"into is what your energy will turn into and continue to create.

 You cant charge an Android on an iphone charger and vice versa. A 100 watt light bulb will blow the fuse in an entire room, if the circuits of a particular lamp aren't made to carry that kind of wattage. 

So..Don't worry about cutting people off. They will sense that you are "not there" or that your "mind" is somewhere else. Its pretty easy -  Anyone or anything from a job, to a car, to a house full of clutter or a jealous friend can hold you down but only if you keep attuning yourself to those wavelenghts and only if you insist on speaking  their energetic language. 

When we refuse to take charge of our  own reality its super easy for anyone to manifest us into their  desired reality  even as a slave or to have us  play a role we would not have chosen for our self. 

Now you understand that being around people who keep you in situations and in conversations where you have to defend yourself or explain yourself , over and over again .. - SEVERELY distracts you from moving forward with your goals because you will  always be facing backwards to deal with them and spinning in circles  reeling with emotional manipulations and self doubt. 

Those friends and family will not be in your desired reality and no guilt trip will take you back into the lower emotions of their chosen reality.  Once you have chosen how you want to feel - your desires will begin to quickly appear in your life.  Keep your ears and your eyes open! 

LoVe #RQ 

Blog By Rose Quartz
All Rights Reserved INature Publishing Emily Imani 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Full Moon In Pisces, Virgo Season by Rose Quartz

It's Time for a plot twist and you know this, Full Moon In Pisces 
A New Blog By Rose Quartz 


 Whats the point of a novel or a movie without a plot twist. Attention will wander and will soon be lost. But wait whats that pressure?  Am I mad at someone or just feeling aggravated one minute and wishy washy the next singing to myself and trying on new clothes..Where is this mystery energy coming from that's making it so easy to whip thru chores early in the morning? Full moon in Pisces in Virgo Season, the perfect energy to surprise them all.They thought they knew you but it turns out they only knew what they created about you. Wheew! Plot twist !

 Its high manifestation season , Will you claim it? First you need to remember or imagine the type of feelings you want the most 

The next time someone asks you, why are you so quiet and what are you looking at- as you stare off into nothingness just know its your empty space and you are manifesting your future in it,  this mindset is the perfect time to open a notepad and start scripting exactly what you see and feel

Make it easy for the universe to serve you, grab that seat up front and keep a sweet Pisces smile ready,trust me that smile will come in handy . The better your vibration, the more the universe can respond to your energy of creation 

Blog By Rose Quartz

Friday, August 28, 2020

Blog By Rose Quartz



 Of course men are turned on by whores,  they're the only women men pay to have sex with. Is the sex good..its ok and can be great though fast and the after affects of regret sometimes cause men to compartmentalize the exp. You wanna talk about mindfulness and living in the moment..that's sex with a whore. Its not the type of thing a man givez into meandearing thoughts of once the condom goes in the trash,  deal done.

He never needs to mentally refer to it again..until..that bright light flashes like an idea, what could be easier, quicker,  more heartless and powerful..   and efficient than paying for sex and being done with it in under ten minutes? Powerful because it feels more fair than rape and much wiser than actually eating food and dating a body whose energy  you really don't want to be responsible for. A Whore managez her own energy isnt that really what you're paying for? A whore can be hot and cold

 Sweet and stern, young and pretty old and wrinkly,  she can smell like Tahitian vanilla body lotion or Malibu rum, newports, camels, weed, beer, whatever. But a,whore always make an effort to smell sweet even if its just a dollar store perfume spray on a pantyless day. She is so brave,  she might have a razor blade but a good man is not going to cheat her, a good man is somewhat scared of her pimp and how horrible it would be, to literally be caught, pants down. 

 The after glow. Reminds him of a disapproving mom mixed with the raunchiness of anonymous sex, yet  there is also a hint of the extremely unacceptable intimacy of kissing cousins who actually fucked. Its a transaction. He worked for the money and  his self absorbed  wife will never know this could happen. It would never cross wifeys mind. She's not on that level of cruelty to even assume her husband would do such a thing, lawd no.                                   

Whores get paid they don't get jealous. Its assumed once the deed is done that  they are probably lesbians, or in love with a pimp or addicted to a drug, maybe even money

 It's assumed a whore will never stalk you or accidentally get pregnant she has a family, kids, a man of her own. Are men turned on by whores? The riddle continues because the truth is sometimez men are just turned on. And need a whore. ..Any whore will do, but sometimes she has to look like someone too.. do men fall in love with whores..oh yes all the time. Same story, different book, but like I said it's not a real love, its the love of the unobtainable , the taste of freedom, like eating snow as it falls from the sky on a winter night. The moment when everything in your life is forgotten,  yet you're more alive than you've ever been

 That's what turns men on, among soo many other things        

Poetry By Rose Quartz

All Copy Rights Reserved by Emily Imani Rose Quartz INature Publishing 2020


Tame Impala - Is It True (Four Tet Remix) (Official Visualiser)

Are men turned on by whores Blog By Rose Quartz

art by sarah barnhart YEOJA Magazine


 Of course men are turned on by whores,  they're the only women men pay to have sex with. Is the sex good..its ok and can be great though fast and the after affects of regret sometimes cause men to compartmentalize the exp. You wanna talk about mindfulness and living in the moment..that's sex with a whore. Its not the type of thing a man givez into meandearing thoughts of once the condom goes in the trash,  deal done.

 He never needs to mentally refer to it again..until..that bright bulb flashes like an idea, what could be easier, quicker,  more heartless and more powerful..  than paying for sex and being done with it in under ten minutes? Powerful because it feels more fair than rape and much wiser than actually eating food and dating a body whose energy  you really don't want to be responsible for. A Whore managez her own energy isnt that really what you're paying for? A whore can be hot and cold

 Sweet and stern, young and pretty old and wrinkly,  she can smell like Tahitian vanilla body lotion or Malibu rum, newports, camels, weed, beer, whatever. But a,whore always make an effort to smell sweet even if its just a dollar store perfume spray on a pantyless day. She is so brave she might have a razor blade but a good man is not going to cheat her. A good man is somewhat scared of her pimp and how horrible it would be to be caught, literally pants down. 

The after glow. Reminds him of a disapproving mom mixed with the raunchiness of anonymous sex, yet  there is also a  hint of the extremely unacceptable intimacy of kissing cousins who actually fucked. Its a transaction. He worked for the money and  his self absorbed  wife will never know this could happen. It would never cross wifeys mind. She's not on that level of cruelty to even assume her husband would do such a thing, lawd no.                                     

Whores get paid they don't get jealous. Its assumed once the deed is done that  they are actually lesbians, or in love with a pimp or addicted to a drug, maybe even money

 It's assumed a whore will never stalk you or accidentally get pregnant she has a family, kids, a man of her own. Are men turned on by whores? The riddle continues because the truth is sometimez men are just turned on. And need a whore. ..Any whore will do, but sometimes she has to look like someone too.. do men fall in love with whores..oh yes all the time. Same story, different book, but like I said it's not a real love, its the love of the unobtainable , the taste of freedom, like eating snow as it falls from the sky on a winter night. The moment when everything in your life is forgotten,  yet you're more alive than you've ever been

 That's what turns men on, among soo many other things        

Poetry By Rose Quartz

All Copy Rights Reserved by Emily Imani Rose Quartz INature Publishing 2020


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Transitioning From The Industrial Age to the Age of Information by Rose Quartz

Time  to make some choices ?

Current Tiers of Income

  • Loaner/Investors/Owners/Finance//Creative/Development

  • Information Assessment/Procurement and Exchanges/Sales 

  • Intellectual Support of the Above Positions and Businesses that offer support / Legal Support etc

  • Human Services, Social Services Design Programming and Implementation

  •  Physical Service Providers to the Above people who provide and maintain the basics ( Food Service, cleaning, health care,child care, elder care, pet grooming, landscaping etc.)

  • Artists/Healers exist on all levels *

Peace I'm writing this blog to remind each of us the role we play in creating the reality for the Age of Aquarius. As  the workplace shifts and home prices soar in urban areas, a re-ordering or new order of society will quickly emerge. The gap between rich and poor is widening but it's more than just money.  The effects of ones sources of income can  shape and detour ones spiritual journey as both the concept of "free" and the concept of "time"-  are being tampered with. This is for the free spirits who fear they don't have time!  We really do have all the time we need but it's up to us to seek out situations in which we can be mentally, physically and spiritually free in time- while managing our resources and even blossoming through connections and cooperation. Can we break some molds before they set into stone? Yes we can.  And we must.

- Rose Quartz

Organizational fatigue is created by organizations,systems and even as a dynamic in relationships in which the organization allows through its ( mission)  purpose and function that subordinates maintain a disempowered level of physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue.  In life we may see people who are "wore out" from their job. 

In other words participants such as employees are working so hard or given unrealistic workloads resulting in a fatigue which is normalized as healthy. In many workplaces you may even see people laughing and joking and sometimes crying about how they want to go back to school, or start a business and follow their dreams,but they just do not have the time or energy. 

Organizational fatigue is the primary energy tactic that subdues workers from having the mental clarity  to complete simple things such as updating their resume and sending it to better paying companies. Organizational fatigue also wipes away the spark in a person's spirit to believe in their dreams. Worker retention is a measured result of organizational fatigue though it be may even be called "team spirit". Examples are creating lengthy paperwork and policies for an employee to request time off.

In the family dynamic a narcissistic parent will put their adult children into a form of organizational fatigue by constantly giving them tasks to do.  The adult children have a hard time breaking away from this dynamic because the fatigue disrupts their ability to think clearly about the whole situation. The parent keeps all their adult children swirling around with demands and multi-tasks to win the favor of the parent. 

 Have you ever witnessed a workplace in which the supervisors played the role of the narcissistic parent? 

 It's important that we not push people to hard or overload them physically or energetically with tasks in order to only reward them with more tasks. 

Organizational fatigue is most easily created by leaving people with a sense of incompleteness, for example making an employee feel as if their work is never done or done quite good enough, and by failing to give closure which allows the mind to start up fresh cycles of energy.  Organizational fatigue is a structured technique although it may appear abstract to those under its grip. 

As we shift from the Industrial Age into a time frame  based on technology we will see shifts in jobs and workplace expectations. A  robot zipping around the Amazon Fulfillment Warehouse, for example cannot experience organizational  fatigue. 

The pressure will increase for human workers who need to keep  up in a world that has less value for them. Meanwhile in many industries employees have shifted to higher pay and permanently work at home with great benefits and can even take long walks with their dogs throughout their workday.

The struggle for lower income people will increase as the stress of a school year with no school begins. Some parents can afford to hire tutors and even build spaces in the homes for childrens at home learning stations, while other parents will have a very hard time making sure their child's much needed laptop remains in working order.

These are the parents that are also under pressure at the sort of jobs where we most often see workers with organizational fatigue. 

Are You feeling the shift and how will you create your space? The current news and world events may seem abstract and uncalled for but perhaps they are just crystal clear signs of the times and nothing to fear. Knowing where you are is the  key to finding direction.
Love, Rose Quartz

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Old Waikiki Outdoor Mall : New Blog Post by Rose Quartz

These used to be sold allover the place. I planned to buy some just for fun
 the next time I visited

But when I flew back a year later the mall and everything in it  was gone  

One of the most beautiful shopping places on earth full of interesting gifts,culture and nature, just a short walk to the beach .  I never thought a place like this could be gentrified or that it would disapear to make room for Starbucks and McDonalds. The best terriyaki I ever tasted was sold here in the indoor part of the mall and there was even more merchandise inside.. beautiful dresses, Hawaiin Flower perfumes, seashell necklaces, arts,crafts and those eye popping wooden phallic statues that used to fill shelves in the gift stores. I still love Waikiki but I do miss these touches of life and commerce under the tree's.  Its all gone now.  Life is best in the moment, nothing else really exists!

Happy Travels, Rose Quartz

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Are You Busy Friday Night,Boundaries Of Self Love

Time alone well spent

Someone calling me and asking if I have plans Friday night.

Instead of first telling me they need a babysitter Friday night. Because even if I don't have plans
I may not be emotionally, physically or spiritually available to watch some ones kids,
  after all I  just barely  finished my raising own and  honestly I crave less responsibilities.

Or when I get a text that says " I need to ask you a favor-"

Ok. But what if I don't reply to inquire more about the favor.  Strange as it may seem  I really don't care anymore. About other folks first world problems and mini crisis situations  born out of  last minute planning.  I used to be the clean up lady with a free room for friends that  I wasn't even  super close to, who had  gotten themselves evicted or needed a place to store their stuff. Over time I learned that there was a consistent reason why these individuals were in the mess that they were in. It wasn't the first or the last time.

I rather get out of the way than try to help. I feel totally ok saying to anyone: 
"I'm Sorry, I just don't have the energy to do that !"

If you are manifesting a desired reality stick to the shift.
You cant be there for everyone else because you  wont have the energy you need to work your plan.  People  know when they are hoping to take advantage of your kindness. They absolutely know. Receive the energy and set your boundaries. Do yourself a sweet little favor.

You can call it self love

Peace From Rose Quartz

Slurp you up #poetry by Rose Quartz

Its a hot ass day in coronaville I put on a pair of latex gloves its hot as hell under my  powder blue mask my lip gloss sticks 

pink bandua bra  against myblack gold skin
and teeny boy shorts becuase thanks to convid 19 they can look but wont no one speak, nike slides feelin sexy ..

been not waitin been not thinkin

the years add to the value of the investment the years add to the hate 
my bank account for u is fatty i will always kind a hate u

not a bad hate  a love hate with a frown and a head shake
with a sigh
with a slap 
with a laugh

 wanna slurp you up
like in the movies rippin clothes off ontha elevator and all down the hall 

 hurry hurry I cant breathe
brain freeze

dam that was bad

impullin all your hair 

let me take u home and clean u up, youre not a new
flavor but yr my specialmix lemonlime, rootbeer

pinaapple slurpy cherry berry 
blue rasperry vanilla pepsi 
all in my ice,crushed 
is that ice crushed ? 

Poestory by RoseQuartz 
All rights reserved 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

Rose Quartz Boutique : Imaginary Playmate #Poetry by Rose Quartz ( emily ...

Rose Quartz Boutique : Imaginary Playmate #Poetry by Rose Quartz ( emily ...: #healingtheinnerchild#imaginaryfriend remember why u became a poet because it was a  way to make your minds ways translatable and ...

Playmate Imaginary Friend #Poetry by Rose Quartz ( emily imani)

remember why u became a poet because it was a  way to make your minds ways translatable and important to a world that otherwise wouldnt of understood but when you unwind your words your ways  your poems go back to their origanol form of formlessess  a kaleidoscope of  visions  interesting arresting  soothing  feelings melodies of emotions  vibrations u were born with memories, stories in your head?  spinning at the tips of your fingers
remember when u sat in the middle of all this and smiled  -

but the world called you out to come participate , they called it childhood it had rules of it's own ways of being that werent  the same  u had to talk u had to be quiet  at the right times
it became a thing that hurt because before u not only fit in,   you created everything 
u never understood or maybe never knew that  this was the main thing i ever liked about u;

my imaginary friend now was solid my invisible friend I can really see you  I like how you look but thats not the hook im just so glad youre real
lets go run dance in the grass laugh  make magic concoctions out of dirt, water
and pretend to eat  
mud pies that give super hero kids like us the power to fly - u would never judge me for being me because u were  too.  hey this mud  pie tastes  good  i think the magic is working! 

we should go sit in a treehouse, but first we gotta build it! lets go get some sticks! and boards of wood!  right and we need blankets too! come on I know where to find some old chairs and a ladder!

 then u spent all this time proving how wrong i was.  but  who knows, the truth


by Rose Quartz
All copyrights reserved  by Emily Imani
2020 iNaturePublishing