Friday, September 18, 2020

Trauma is A False Religion by Rose Quartz

 And pain becomes the god we worship, its our greatest fear - that creates our destiny- until we slowly heal and begin to believe its ok for life to be easy its ok to laugh and be happy no bogey man will come this time, you've been thru enough, its ok now, its ok its gonna be ok. The light wont erase your darkness it just wants to be part of your heart  too. Alot of people say they always have bad luck when the truth is thats not the truth at all. Some people feel like things always go wrong and they believe it even pour their faith into it. See, trauma is a false religion. Repent. Get off your knees. Stand tall and lead..

 Peace n blessings #RoseQuartz                

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Alina Baraz - More Than Enough (Ryan Hemsworth Remix)

New Moon In Virgo; Mr. Clean Up Man

-New Moon In Virgo Energy by Rose Quartz-

Go somewhere different in clothes you dream of wearing since people already love staring-
When someone that you  already cut off calls out of guilt or seeking gossip,  answer the phone-
 when they ask how you are doing, tell them you're fine -when they say "we" really should talk and work things out-put your phone down but don't hang up- and go do something else with the music blaring

New Moon In Virgo is about designating and implementing organized responses to chaos
People may not understand but they will fall in line

The clean up man is in your soul, he knows the proper recipe of chemicals  and the right temperature of water to make any mess disappear along with Karma
 by choosing to do good deeds that no one see's

Its a New Moon In Virgo, Secrets Revealed from the sign of the Virgin, Nurturing and Pure but a pain in the ass without elements of maturity!

 just know when she's done the only one that she will call
is the Clean Up Man

Pay Your Debts before they come up by abstracting mental truths in every possible equation while others are still day dreaming 
and seeking attention



Monday, September 7, 2020



Queen of Pentacles By Rose Quartz

 Queen f Pentacles the ultimate business minded nurturing earth sign  mother, manager of the material realm and  foundational structures

 the single mother energy of rapidly manifesting abundance  sensuality  a master of pulling off the dirty work at home and  within many enterprise$. 

Let me take care of business so that I can escape into the pleasures, secrets of a good homemaker, CEO, therapist, dentists etc. 

 One day just playying around in the kitchen she whipped up a bannana chocolate cake that was so good and also caused healthy weightloss -  she sold the recipe to a billionare who could afford her price 

#Rose Quartz

Black On Black


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Desired Reality Scripting Blog; ft. King of Pentacles with Moldavite By Rose Quartz


King of Pentacles


Energy of Moldavite 

"I easily reject  anything that my spirit or soul inherently 
does not resonate with at my highest and most transparent vibration"

This Blog is about manifesting by using desired reality scripting, gratitude letters, wish books etc. This blog will also cover how you can break free of certain situations for good. Instead of cutting folks off, you can simply do reality scripting and shift into a new reality. How does this work?

Remember it is a  feeling (energy) that you want to manifest not a material item, a circumstance or a person. Once you know how you want to feel, you will know what fits and what doesn't. For example if you really don't eat pork you will not go in the store looking for pork and comparing the pork prices. For you and your mouth and your body - pork doesn't exist as a food . A desired reality script works the same way.  

There is no point in trying to manifest a specific person, because everyone has free will, and there is no way to know if that person will really give you the feeling that you desire. Instead focus on  traits and characteristics that continually bring you joy no matter where you see them or who you see them in. 

For example I get hyped and feel good about life and  humanity when I'm exposed to the expressions of creative artistic people. I also feel happy about being nurturing and helping another spirit to feel safe and loved when I'm around puppies . 

Water specifically,calm water in blue, green tranquil colors makes me feel  like im blessed with the beautiful flowing colors like liquid gemstones. Beaches allow me to look out on the horizon and feel a deep connection with God, ocean front beaches  connect me with alot of wonderful emotions from the intense power, creativity, serenity and wonder of it all.

To bring your desired  frequencies  into your  life think about how your clients or co-workers make you feel. When you start writing your desired reality script, focus on how you would really, really love to feel instead.

 Perhaps right now your workplace is so high stress that you have to shut down to get through the day and  you notice that manifesting doesn't work for you. Well..if you force yourself into emotional numbness 40 hrs a week and wonder why its hard to manifest your desires? In order to manifest you will need to un-numb yourself first.

 In your desired reality you must feel how it would be to have a great day at work everyday even with the stress. Focus on the feeling after a project is done that you are very proud of. Really spend time recalling   the feeling and multiply it by the unknown. What if you could get that feeling from your relationship ? Or from your car? From your kitchen or bedroom closet? 

Once you tap into these feelings and energies (within you) that you now also want around you- you can begin to emit, shine out and literally become the type of energy that you desire .  We all have down days, that's our bodies resonating back to us that we "feel like shit"-  in other words we are out of tune. Take a close look at whose energy and what thoughts your body is attuning itself with. Whoever and whatever you "tune"into is what your energy will turn into and continue to create.

 You cant charge an Android on an iphone charger and vice versa. A 100 watt light bulb will blow the fuse in an entire room, if the circuits of a particular lamp aren't made to carry that kind of wattage. 

So..Don't worry about cutting people off. They will sense that you are "not there" or that your "mind" is somewhere else. Its pretty easy -  Anyone or anything from a job, to a car, to a house full of clutter or a jealous friend can hold you down but only if you keep attuning yourself to those wavelenghts and only if you insist on speaking  their energetic language. 

When we refuse to take charge of our  own reality its super easy for anyone to manifest us into their  desired reality  even as a slave or to have us  play a role we would not have chosen for our self. 

Now you understand that being around people who keep you in situations and in conversations where you have to defend yourself or explain yourself , over and over again .. - SEVERELY distracts you from moving forward with your goals because you will  always be facing backwards to deal with them and spinning in circles  reeling with emotional manipulations and self doubt. 

Those friends and family will not be in your desired reality and no guilt trip will take you back into the lower emotions of their chosen reality.  Once you have chosen how you want to feel - your desires will begin to quickly appear in your life.  Keep your ears and your eyes open! 

LoVe #RQ 

Blog By Rose Quartz
All Rights Reserved INature Publishing Emily Imani 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Full Moon In Pisces, Virgo Season by Rose Quartz

It's Time for a plot twist and you know this, Full Moon In Pisces 
A New Blog By Rose Quartz 


 Whats the point of a novel or a movie without a plot twist. Attention will wander and will soon be lost. But wait whats that pressure?  Am I mad at someone or just feeling aggravated one minute and wishy washy the next singing to myself and trying on new clothes..Where is this mystery energy coming from that's making it so easy to whip thru chores early in the morning? Full moon in Pisces in Virgo Season, the perfect energy to surprise them all.They thought they knew you but it turns out they only knew what they created about you. Wheew! Plot twist !

 Its high manifestation season , Will you claim it? First you need to remember or imagine the type of feelings you want the most 

The next time someone asks you, why are you so quiet and what are you looking at- as you stare off into nothingness just know its your empty space and you are manifesting your future in it,  this mindset is the perfect time to open a notepad and start scripting exactly what you see and feel

Make it easy for the universe to serve you, grab that seat up front and keep a sweet Pisces smile ready,trust me that smile will come in handy . The better your vibration, the more the universe can respond to your energy of creation 

Blog By Rose Quartz